Prayer Requests


My Mom has cancer and is going through chemo. My Dad is doing some shady stuff behind my Mom's back, which makes the cancer stuff more stressful. I am anxious due to personal health concerns. I want to try and be healthier. I get so nervous about every choice I make.


My health a special need I have god knows about and for my children


Please pray for the healing of Alan's psychosis, especially where he feels he can communicate with the television, which is very distressing for him. Thank you.


Please pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) my helpmate real soon in JESUS Name. Been praying for this since my early mid 20's and now I'm 49 years old


I appreciate your prayers very much. I’m on the doorstep of financial ruin. I desperately need God's intervention for a sustainable income and career breakthrough by His mercy.

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